212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Consumer Reports Calls Distracted Driving a Public Health Epidemic

A New York City car accident law firm can provide representation in circumstances where you have been hurt in an auto accident. There are many different causes of motor vehicle collisions. One of the most common causes is distracted driving. Distracted driving has become such a major issue that Forbes indicates that Consumer Reports is […]

All You Need to Know About Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents and Claims

One of the most common preventable injuries in the workplace is slip, trip, and fall injuries. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), businesses were given more than 6,000 citations in 2015 for failure to meet requirements in fall protection standards. The US Department of Labor reports that from 2013 to 2014, there was more than 9% increase in slip, trip and fall accidents and that the construction industry has the highest frequency of both non-fatal and fatal slip, trip, and fall accidents.

How Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents Occur

2 diagnostic tests proven to reduce preterm birth complications

It’s a sad reality that not all pregnancies end at nine months with a healthy bundle of joy. For parents of babies born with birth complications, the normally celebratory event is often mitigated by worries and fears over the medical uncertainties that lie ahead for their newborns.

Scared to Report: NY Workers Fear Retaliation for Reporting Work-Related Injuries

Reporting an injury at work is important to ensure you get the workers’ compensation benefits that you deserve and to ensure that the cause of the injury is properly investigated so further harm can be avoided among other employees.  New York City workers’ compensation lawyers can provide assistance in reporting injuries and in taking steps […]

Traumatic Brain Injury: The Long Road to Recovery for NY Brain Injury Patients

Brain injuries can occur in many different ways, including automobile accidents and slip and falls.  Whenever a brain injury occurs, it is important to understand the full extent of the damages and the costs and time associated with recovery. Recovering from a brain injury is often a long and arduous process that can be very expensive. New York City traumatic brain injury attorneys can provide insight into how you can pursue a claim for compensation for losses and damages if someone was responsible for causing your brain injury. A recent article in The Journal News highlighted some of the struggles brain injury patients go through as they try to recover. The story shared by the Journal News was about a 22-year-old who suffered traumatic brain injuries in a motor vehicle accident in New Rochelle. The young man was given just a three percent chance of surviving and a 10 percent chance of waking up from a coma. He did manage to survive the injuries, but his mother describes him as being “basically a newborn” as he must relearn everything he ever knew.

The Long Road to Recovery After a Brain Injury

Surgeons don’t always follow error disclosure rules

A New York surgeon who makes a mistake is supposed to inform the patient of that error. However, a survey published in JAMA Surgery found that some surgeons only follow some national guidelines related to disclosing such an error. The survey involved more than 60 surgeons who worked at various VA medical centers. Of the eight national guidelines for error disclosure after a surgery, most who participated in surgery said that they followed five of them.

Boy hit by box truck on Brooklyn street

New Yorkers walk. We walk to work, to the subway, to the gym. But when that many pedestrians tangle with the heavy traffic on the city streets, disasters happen regularly.

Detecting cardiomyopathy

People in New York who have cardiomyopathy may not exhibit symptoms of the disease, which is why it is essential to know how to identify someone who may have a high likelihood of developing the condition. In some cases, there may be no symptoms or signs in the early stages of the disease, but the indications of heart failure may become obvious as the heart begin to deteriorate.

Factors That Can Affect Your Car Accident Claim

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more people are killed in car accidents in the United States than in other high-income countries. It reports that over 32,000 people were killed on US roads in 2013 – this means that there were approximately 90 deaths per day. A report by the CDC […]