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You cannot Consult Your Attorney before Answering the Questions Asked by the Defense

Can You Talk to Your Attorney during the Deposition You have filed a personal injury lawsuit, you are now being questioned at the deposition, which is a question and answer session, held under oath, much before the trial starts. At this session, you will be giving sworn testimony in an attorney’s office. The defense attorney […]

Should a Lawyer Tell the Jury What the Case is Worth in his Opening Remarks

Your personal injury case has gone to trial, and your attorney is in the middle of giving his opening remarks. You are thinking at the back of your mind, should your attorney be telling the jury at the end of his remarks, how much money you are seeking as compensation for your injuries. Mentioning the […]

Do settlement offers increase as the trial date approaches?

In your car accident case, the insurance company does not want to pay you, what you think your case is worth. What is the likelihood that they are going to increase their settlement offer as your case progresses towards trial? There is Various Possibilities when You can Reject Settlement Offer The answer is that they […]

How Insurance Influences Your Accident Case

Attorneys Look for Insurance Coverage When you have suffered an injury because of somebody’s carelessness, whether it is a driver, or a doctor or hospital, one of the things your lawyer will look for is what the available insurance is. Let us say, you have suffered significant fracture in a car accident, and your lawyer […]

What Witnesses are Presented to Assess Damages

Treating Doctors will be the Main Witnesses If the defense admits liability, then you are only going to have a trial on damages. What witnesses will you need to show that you have a valid case, that you are more likely right than wrong, and what you are claiming is true? Well, you will need […]

Dealing With Accident Aftermath: Get Your Point of View on the Record

Lots of people are confused about what to do after a motor vehicle accident. Those first few minutes and hours are key to the eventual outcome of the case. Knowledgeable injury lawyers can counsel clients on getting their point of view across in courts, but they cannot be there on the side of the road […]

Two Strategies Used by the Defense in Medical Malpractice Cases

You have been injured because of the negligence or carelessness of your doctor and you have filed a medical malpractice case to seek compensation for the harm and injury done to you. Filing a medical malpractice case is not easy, since you need a medical specialist to review your case and give his or her approval for the validity of your case. Once that is done, your case is filed; however, the defense will employ two very strong strategies that can even have your case dismissed.

What is a Missing Witness Charge in a Medical Malpractice Case

It is not uncommon for the defense to have a witness, a critical witness that they have not brought in. For instance, in a medical malpractice case, the defense had hired a doctor to examine the injured victim. This is called an independent medical examination.